Download Timetrex 9.1.3 For Mac
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How to Download TimeTrex 9.1.3 for Mac
TimeTrex is a time and attendance software that can help you manage employee time, attendance, HR and payroll via the web and mobile app[^2^]. If you want to download TimeTrex 9.1.3 for Mac, you will need to follow these steps:
Go to the TimeTrex website and click on the Download button[^1^].
Select the Community Edition option and click on the Free Download button.
Choose the Mac OS X option and click on the Download Now button.
Save the file to your computer and unzip it.
Open the folder TimeTrex_Community_Edition-9.1.3 and double-click on the file
Follow the instructions on the screen to install TimeTrex on your Mac.
You will need to have PHP, a webserver and a database installed on your Mac before running TimeTrex.
You can access TimeTrex from your web browser by typing http://localhost/timetrex/.
If you want to transfer your data from TimeTrex 9.1.3 for Mac to TimeTrex for Windows, you will need to backup your database and copy it to your Windows machine[^3^]. You can use tools like phpMyAdmin or mysqldump to backup your database. Then you can restore it on your Windows machine using the same tools or the TimeTrex installer.TimeTrex is a powerful and flexible software that can help you manage your workforce more efficiently and effectively. Some of the benefits of TimeTrex are:
It can track employee time and attendance using various methods, such as biometric facial recognition, web browser, mobile app, telephone or barcode scanner.
It can automate complex payroll calculations, such as overtime, premiums, deductions, taxes and multiple pay rates.
It can schedule employees and track their availability, skills, qualifications and preferences.
It can allocate employee time and expenses to different jobs, tasks and projects.
It can generate customizable reports and charts that can be emailed or viewed on the dashboard.
It can integrate with other software and systems, such as accounting, ERP, CRM and HRM.
If you want to update TimeTrex to the latest version, you will need to download the new version from the TimeTrex website and run the installer. The installer will automatically detect your existing installation and upgrade it. You will need to backup your database before upgrading to avoid any data loss. You can also check for updates from within TimeTrex by clicking on the Help menu and selecting Check for Updates.
TimeTrex is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux. If you want to run TimeTrex on Linux, you will need to download the Linux version from the TimeTrex website and follow the same steps as for Mac OS X. You will also need to have PHP, a webserver and a database installed on your Linux machine before running TimeTrex. aa16f39245